The Art of Delegation: Stories of Success and Lessons from Failure 

Delegation is a critical skill for any business owner or entrepreneur aiming to scale their business. When done correctly, it empowers your team, drives productivity, and allows you to focus on strategic growth. However, poor delegation can lead to inefficiency and burnout. Let’s explore the key principles of effective delegation through real-life stories of success and lessons from failure. 

The Power of Effective Delegation: A Success Story 

Meet Ryan, the Visionary Entrepreneur 

Ryan, the founder of a rapidly growing marketing agency, knew he had to delegate effectively to sustain the company's growth. His goal was to focus on strategic initiatives and client acquisition.  Inspired by the principles from the E-Myth, he decided to build a team to do the day-to-day work. 

Step 1: Identify Routine Tasks 

Ryan listed all the tasks he handled daily, from client communication and project management to administrative duties. He realized that many of these tasks could be delegated to his capable team. 

Step 2: Empower the Team 

Ryan believed in the power of teamwork and knew that his team could handle these tasks effectively. He provided the necessary training and resources, ensuring each team member understood their roles and responsibilities. 

Step 3: Right People, Right Roles 

Ryan placed his employees in roles that aligned with their strengths. His administrative assistant took over scheduling and email management, while his project manager handled client communication and project tracking. 

Step 4: Focus on Strategic Growth 

With routine tasks delegated and surrounding himself with smarter people than himself (as he once shared with me), Ryan could focus on solving the next big problem and finding innovative solutions. He worked on the business creatively and strategically, leading to significant growth and success and creating a national agency. 

The Result: 

By delegating effectively, Ryan could focus on high-level strategic growth and client acquisition. His business thrived, with increased productivity and team morale. Each team member felt valued and empowered, leading to job satisfaction and better performance. 

"Your job is to find other people to do all the jobs." 

Built to Sell Radio Podcast (Ep 440) with Seth Godin: 

Listen to the full podcast here 


The Pitfalls of Poor Delegation: A Cautionary Tale 

Meet John, the Overworked Founder (named changed to protect his identity) 

John, the founder of a manufacturing company, struggled with delegation. He believed that he could perform every task better than his team, leading to micromanagement and burnout. 

Step 1: Failure to Delegate Routine Tasks 

John handled everything from dealing directly with customer orders, communicating with vendors and suppliers, and providing corrective feedback to frontline employees on the shop floor.  

Step 2: Micromanagement 

When John did delegate, he micromanaged his team, constantly checking and redoing their work. This behavior demotivated his employees and created a toxic work environment.  It told leaders that they couldn’t make decisions, and everything must be ‘run up the flagpole’. 

Step 3: Wrong People in Wrong Roles 

John didn't consider his employees' strengths and skills or the overall business needs when assigning roles. Impulsive decisions made on the fly would override planning. His marketing expert was often pulled into technical tasks, while his shop supervisor was often scheduled to run machines and wasn’t available to supervise new hires. 

Step 4: Burnout and Stagnation 

By not delegating effectively, John was unable to focus on strategic growth. He spent most of his time putting out fires, working in the business, handling operational tasks, which led to burnout and stagnated business growth.  Ultimately a team of leaders who weren’t equipped or had the desire to move up in the organization. 

The Result: 

John's expansion plans faced numerous challenges. The team was overworked and demoralized, leading to high turnover rates. Projects were delayed, and the company's growth stagnated. John himself experienced burnout, unable to focus on strategic initiatives. 

"If you keep hiring yourself to do the work, you're hiring the cheapest, most available, overworked person in the organization. That doesn't scale." 

Built to Sell Radio Podcast (Ep 440) with Seth Godin: 

Listen to the full podcast here 



Effective delegation is a game-changer for any business owner or entrepreneur. By learning from both successful and unsuccessful delegation stories, you can implement strategies that empower your team and drive business growth. Remember, your job is to find other people to do all the jobs, enabling you to focus on what you do best. Embrace the power of delegation and watch your business flourish. 


Looking for more resources for growing your company, this page is full of them. 


Merin Coutts 


Building Business Through a Strong, Aligned Company Culture


From Startup to Sellable: The Journey of Scaling a Business